Headshot of Robert Andrew Lentz What is New? (By Area)
Latest entry: Sunday evening, July 2nd, 2023
"You have to push as hard as the age that pushes against you." -Flannery O'Connor

This is a listing of changes to and its content, by area. A quick-access 'Table of Contents' is available at the top of the left sidebar. The main 'What is New?' listing is organized chronologically by latest page update.

(by content area)
SF: Silo logo
'Silo' TV Series Information
Sunday, July 2nd, 2023
Added link to Pete Peppers' post-Season 1 interview with Hugh Howey and link to Hugh Howey's latest Reddit "Ask Me Anything" as well as links to his previous Reedit "Asm Me Anything" sessions.

Saturday, July 1st, 2023
With the changing of the month I updated the special offers information and added links to articles that touch on Season 2 (and in some cases the Season 1 finale as well).

Friday, June 30th, 2023
Updated with link to Pete Peppers' episode 10 (season finale) breakdown and more links about Hugh Howey the author of the Silo book series who is also heavily involved with the television series adaptation.

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023
Updated with link to Hugh Howey's episode 9 thoughts.

Friday, June 23rd, 2023
Updated with link to Pete Peppers' episode 9 breakdown and note about Hugh Howey's AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit Sunday, July 2nd at 2pm U.S. Eastern time, plus other improvements.

Wednesady, June 21st, 2023
Updated with link to Hugh Howey's episode 8 thoughts.

Friday, June 16th, 2023
Updated with link to Pete Peppers' episode 8 breakdown.

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023
Updated with the latest information on Season 2 and 'Silo' author Hugh Howey's appearance on the Ty & That Guy podcast.

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023
Updated with link to Hugh Howey's episode 7 thoughts and added Stephen King's latest 'Silo' tweet to the reviews section.

Sunday, June 11th, 2023
Updated with link to Pete Peppers' episode 7 breakdown and note about Amazon's current sale price on the Kindle edition of 'Wool', the first book in the 'Silo' series.

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023
Updated with link to Hugh Howey's episode 6 thoughts.

Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
Updated links with Pete Peppers' episode 6 breakdown and added information on Hugh Howey's new book, "The Balloon Hunter".

Thursday, June 1st, 2023
Linked to second book in the 'Silo' series, 'Shift', being available on Kindle in the Britain for only 99 pence..

Tuesday, May 30th, 2023
Updated links with Hugh Howey's episode 5 thoughts.

Friday, May 26th, 2023
Updated links with Pete Peppers' episode 5 breakdown, and changed page title to "'Silo' TV Series Information" to reflect the ongoing updates and support for existing 'Silo' TV series fans, not just helping to bring in new fans.

Monday, May 22nd, 2023
Updated links with the author's video thoughts on episode 4 as well as an interview, and a few other things and improvements.

Saturday, May 20th, 2023
Updated links with Pete Peppers' episode 4 breakdown, and a few other things and improvements.

Monday, May 15th, 2023
Updated links with the author's thoughts on the episodes so far, interviews with the author, plus U.S. PlayStation owners might qualify for a free AppleTV+ trial.

Thursday, May 11th, 2023
Updated links with the Season 1 soundtrack to enjoy and potential free AppleTV+ trial, and Pete Peppers' episode breakdown, plus more podcasts, community interaction, and a few other things.

Saturday, May 6th, 2023
Updated with information on Apple freely offering the first episode for viewing, and a few other things and improvements.

Thursday, May 4th, 2023
Original publication as "'Silo' TV Series Preview" with the description: "I put this page together as an introductory resource for information on the series and the author to support your interest, as well as to be able to share your excitement with friends."

Thoughts: Had a thought!
Quick Takes from Robert Andrew Lentz
Tuesday, July 4th, 2023
Latest update to my Quick Takes page of short, usually topical, thoughts I post to social media.
(The page itself provides 'Quick Takes' by date and thus serves as a list of all updates.)

Tuesday, May 30th, 2023
Also launched a Quick Takes page of short, usually topical, thoughts I post to social media.
(This page does not replace following me on social media as it will not include content I retweet or to which I reply.)

Rodin's 'The Thinker'
Thoughts from Robert Andrew Lentz
Tuesday, May 30th, 2023
Introduced the "Thoughts" area with an essay on What is truly fueling the budget deficits and the 'debt ceiling crisis'?

Also launched a Quick Takes page of short, usually topical, thoughts I post to social media.
(This page does not replace following me on social media as it will not include content I retweet or to which I reply.)
Twitter, Facebook, or Mastodon. © 2023 Robert Andrew Lentz. All Rights Reserved.